Saturday, January 11, 2014


Growing up in South Dakota.  Growing up playing a LOT of golf - I did not spend much time
watching baseball.  On TV I thought it was boring.  While in Denver, the Rockies came to
town.  I went to 14 games at Mile High Stadium, they lost 11, most by many points.  I started
to watch their games on TV, and I learned to like an appreciate the game of baseball.

Fast forward to moving to Phoenix in 1997.  The Diamondbacks came to town.  I had the
privilege of going to the Inaugural Game at BOB - Bank One Ballpark.  One of the most
powerful moments of my life I think - especially when a Stealth Bomber did the flyover.
I got the ticket thanks to Terry Beattie - thank you!


To top that off, I had the privilege of going to Game 7 of the World Series vs. the Yankees.
The Diamondbacks won all four home games, including the 7th - and we were World
Champions.  I got to watch the game at Front Row Friday's (in the stadium) thanks to a
friend.  After we won, we were showered from head to toe in champagne.  Soaked!  Later
outside, the police were spraying pepper spray above the crowd, as we were to packed in.


Saturday, December 28, 2013

Brian Helgeland

I have owed for quite some time.  Please check it out.  A couple other projects I am working on is TSI - Telephone Services Inc. - Tempe, and Fanfare - a knockoff of Glee and Drumline.